Cultivate the City – Washington DC

Niraj Ray Cultivate the city The Nationals rooftop Urban farm

25 Urban Farms?

If you would start an Urban Farm, would you take advice from someone who made 25 of them happen?

If the answer is yes, you’ve come to the right place. Meet Niraj Raj from Cultivate the city, one of the more inspiring people the Urban Farming Movement has to offer.

Or is it better to say: “One of the people that make the Urban Farming Movement so inspiring“?

Educate, Cultivate and Nourish

Cultivate the city is a network of farmers working to feed families and communities with pesticide-free, locally-grown food. They build, and can help you build, urban edible gardens and farms to beautify your surroundings and produce as much food as possible in your space – no matter how small or large

This makes a network of educators, eager to work with gardens and farmers of all ages and experience levels. To make it all happen, they have a unique web of revenues.

Cultivate the City Washington DC the nationals urban farming

The 12 steps with Niraj Ray

25 Urban Farms. Let’s repeat that: 25 urban farms.

I suggest you accept the mastery of Niraj Ray and follow his guidance on the 12 steps to become an urban or vertical farmer. Check the episode via this link!