Skills with passion
The 12 steps team has one big mission: To help you make this world a happier and healthier place via urban and vertical farming.
This intrinsic motivation causes us to want to perfect our skills in order to create the best education and marketing for the 12 steps community. With a combined expertise of +20 years in videomaking, marketing, webdesign and urban farming, we strive to turn everything into gold!


Values & Mission
As a foundation of human civilisation, agriculture has an enormous potential to positively impact our attempts to fight climate change and protect biodiversity.
The 12 steps aims to be part of the solution by focusing on Urban Farming and Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), and by promoting knowledge exchange as a catalyst for the sustainable agricultural revolution.

The 12 steps Farmers
Without the farmers sharing their knowledge and expertise, the 12 steps wouldn’t exist!
These farmers come from all over the world and run many different types of farms. They share their knowledge, their expertise and all aspects of their 12 steps, understanding that your success will help to make the world better for everyone.
The 12 steps farmers are true heroes and you should get to know them!
the 12 steps history
Lou De Buck (VideoMe), Thibault Verougstraete (Eskidoos) and Zjef Van Acker are a group of friends who each have their own passions and focus.
And in 2016, Lou and Thibault saw that Zjef was suffering when he was working at the Association for Vertical Farming. The reason was that a lot of people from all around the world asked him the same question:
“How do I start a vertical farm?”.
Most of them wanted an easy answer, but Zjef knew from meeting a lot of different farmers and experts, that starting an urban or vertical farm is a lot of things, but definitely not easy.

Seeing how Zjef was frustrated that he could’t get that message across, Lou and Thibault offered to help by making educational video-documentaries about urban and vertical farming!
Zjef saw the light!
Instead of trying to teach, he would be asking the right questions. Instead of trying to explain how to start a farm, he would let the experienced pioneers take the stage!
So history came to pass. In 2016 Lou, Thibault and Zjef embarked on a worldwide trip to video-interview as many urban and vertical farmers from around the world. Initially under the name “Kikvors”, yet this soon changed to “12 steps to farming”.
Now, many years and documentaries later, the team has changed, yet the original concept remains: letting farmers teach farmers!